Saturday, June 23, 2007

Why Choose Unit Trust?

With the proliferation of various types of investment products in recent years, people often look for a straight forward, professionally managed investment opportunity that caters for basic investment needs. Public Mutual Berhad has succeeded in meeting those needs with its unit trust funds.

Children's Education

Unit trust can help you to cover the spiralling cost of education for your children or grandchildren. The sooner you start your plan, the lesser will be the burden. Time can be your greatest ally. Go to Education Planning for more details.

Home Ownership

Unit trust can help you to pay off your mortgage earlier, purchase a bigger house or upgrade your existing house. As with any plan, start early. Many bricks build a castle. Go to Home Ownership Planning for more details.


Growing old and retiring is inevitable. It is never too early to plan for retirement even though you have the comfort of the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF). You have the right and choice to retire in dignity. Retire comfortably. Plan a nest for your retirement home, orchard and the likes. Unit trust can help do the job. Go to Retirement Planning for more details.

Cash Reserves

The only certainty in life is the uncertainty or unexpected emergencies. Unit trust can help you to set aside some cash for rainy days.

Regardless of your own needs and wants, unit trust makes sense, for potential return and security.

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